2 Years, 3 Universities, 2 Degrees
CyberMACS is an Erasmus Mundus Joint/double Master’s Degree (EMJM) programme in Applied Cybersecurity offered by a consortium of three highly ranked universities in Turkey, Germany, and North Macedonia. During the two-year MSc studies, students will study at two consortium universities and graduate from both. Our industry partners promote the future employability of CyberMACS students by offering internship, company visits, and contributions to the course contents. CyberMACS is one of the European top-quality Master Courses selected by the Erasmus+ Programme (Erasmus Mundus).
CyberMACS Project Team, Staff and Experts
The Coordinating Institution: Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey
Full Partner: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, UKIM, Skopje, North Macedonia
Full Partner: SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
CyberMACS Personnel and Governing Bodies
Programme Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Hasan Dağ ([email protected])
Local Academic Coordinators:
- KHAS : Prof. Dr. Hasan Dağ ([email protected] )
- SRH : Prof. Dr. Reiner Creutzburg ([email protected])
- UKIM : Prof. Dr. Vesna Dimitrova ([email protected])
Project Manager: Ebru Dilan ([email protected])
Project Officers: Nana Aisha Umar ([email protected] ), Elissa Mollakuqe ([email protected]),
Programme Manager: Dr. Emrullah Fatih Yetkin ([email protected])
Local Administrative Coordinators:
- KHAS : Ayhan Gücüyener Evren ([email protected])
- SRH : Virginie Lieberwirth ([email protected]) (since July 2023) / Lisa Gibellino-Marchetto ([email protected]) (until July 2023)
- UKIM : Igor Cvetanovski ([email protected])
CyberMACS Governing Bodies
Executive Board (EB, 7 Members), CyberMACS Secretariat (5 Members) , Joint Selection Committee (7 Members), Joint Selection Subcommittee (5 Members), Industrial Advisory Board (9 Members), Master Management Committee: (7 Members).
Quality Assurance Board:
The Quality Assurance Board shall consist of permanent members nominated by the Executive Board and of invited ad-hoc members.
Quality Assurance Board:
Permanent members:
- Chair of the Quality Assurance Board: Prof. Dr Danilo Gligoroski
- Vice-Chair 1 of the Quality Assurance Board (Local Academic Coordinator): Prof. Dr. Hasan Dağ
- Vice-Chair 2 of the Quality Assurance Board (Local Academic Coordinator): Prof. Dr. Vesna Dimitrova
- Student Representative 1: Samsoon Nahar Shampa
- Student Representative 2: John Ikechukwu Chukwu
Ad-hoc members:
- Other Local Academic Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Reiner Creutzburg
- Members of any Partner Institution’s academic and/or administrative staff directly involved in the Programme: Prof. Dr. Ivan Chorbev
- Members of any Partner Institution’s academic and/or administrative staff directly involved in the Programme: Mert Bal
- Representatives of academic and industrial Associated Partners: Yalçın Gerek
QA Task Force:
Elissa Mollakuqe [email protected]
Hristina Mihajloska [email protected]
Katja Schulze [email protected]
Ad-hoc members may be invited by the Chair of the EB. Additional members of any Partner Institution’s academic and/or administrative staff directly involved in the Programme, as appropriateE